Starting Creativity
For the mission creativity I picked to do ‘Art of the animated GIF’. Originally I did want to do digital audio but I couldn’t because we have to work within our groups and preferably have a group of 3. The reason I couldn’t do the digital audio was because nobody else in my group wanted to do it. My second option was the art of animated GIF the reason that was my second option is because I think everyone that uses social media on regular basis knows what GIF’s are and how funny they can be. So with that in mind I said to myself I could be fun to make my own GIF’s and to be creative with them and do something different. When I picked to do GIF’s I didn’t want to do anything like getting a picture online and just putting text onto it I wanted to create my own from scratch. After I agreed to do the art of animated GIF I then had to find a group. The group that formed was me, Abdi and Justin. The main reason why this group formed was because the 3 of us wanted to do GIF’s and we wore already friends so it was handy enough. After we formed a group the 3 of us started to brain storm on what we would do straight away and what our thoughts wore. What we agreed to do was create 3 GIF’s. The first thought for a GIF that came to the 3 of our heads was to create a football GIF. We also agreed we would meet in the free lab every Tuesday morning to work together and to also stay back whenever we all could. The reason for this was we thought doing everything together would be a lot better than just going off and working bye ourselves and dragging everything together at the end because in my opinion that doesn’t work and them two also agree with that. Of course there is work we had to do at home by ourselves but it would be discussed exactly what was going to be done by what person and then we would all check it together and if anything needed to be changed we would agree on it and change it together. When this was all discussed we decided to start researching and planning our first GIF straight away. The plan for the first GIF was to as I said create something to do with football but what exactly was the hard thing. We then decided we would get a ball and go to the sports hall on campus or go over to the astro and have someone in goal and two people outside taking shots and keep taking shots until we get it right into the top corner.
Until the next blog,
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