Starting Methodology

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For this mission we are allowed to work with people outside of our own group for the first time. This is exciting to be able to work with other people and also for this one there is no actual presentation we have to create a five minute video and for the final lecture of this semester everyone’s videos will be played. This mission hadn’t got to many options of things to work on but the one that seemed most interesting to me was digital journalism and I had a few ideas in my head on what I could do after reading about it and looking at the tools that where there to use. 

All I had to do now to get started was to form a group. When I spoke to people I found out who was doing digital journalism and then a group formed with me, Andy and Alex. So we started to discuss ideas on what we could do and on what different tools we could use. We then agreed on something, what our plan was to do was to use the Storymap tool and create a story on the Evolution of Power, what we mean by the evolution of power is to create a map on people who our powerful going back to the oldest and traveling through to years. After we create the map we then have plans to make our own background track. The reason we are going to make our own background track is because there is a background track needed for each video but me and Andy are already involved with music so we said we would produce our own background track to make things interesting. Now you could possibly be confused on how this will make a video well I can explain, pretty much we will make the map the map will have general info on each person like date of birth, date of death and obviously it’s a map so where they are from. Then we will have a lot of info separate to speak over the video with so pretty much a documentary. And then of course there will be background track which will play quietly in the background. So we discussed all of this and said that we will meet up and as soon as possible and start to create the map. For now we all have to do a bit of research on who we think is interesting to put on the map and whoever we pick we have to find stuff out about them. When we say people with power this could go from presidents to drug lords to kings, etc. 

So I will be back soon with my next blog to let you know how we have being getting on with everything but until then I have a lot of work to do. 

