Process of Culture

The midterm has ended, and I completed my montage for YouTube and now I am moving onto analyzing and researching the YouTube gaming community. My plans are too discover how YouTube’s recommendations work and to compare the views from mine and Ron’s video. So, I’ll start with what I did to figure out how YouTube’s recommendations work, basically what YouTube do is they track what you do bye watching what day and what time you watch certain things at and give you recommendations of that. How I started to discover this is because when I was on my YouTube music app, they always give me a school mixtape when in college, a morning playlist when its morning time and afternoon playlist etc. When I started to realize this I then went onto YouTube on my account and watched a video and these are the recommendations they gave me:  

And then I logged out of my account watched the exact same video and these are the recommendations they gave me:
As you can see the recommendations are completely different and this is because when I logged out of my account it had no history as of what I watched and just gave me recommendations on videos other people tend to watch but not what I would tend to watch. 
I then started to analysis mine and Ron’s views and with both views you can notice that the views went up high on the first day that they were uploaded but then after that the views just very slowly went up. This is because the first day that they were uploaded they would’ve come up on some peoples home page to watch if they watch gaming related videos or if they were searching the name of the game it could’ve came up and of course some people did watch it. The older the video gets the less chance that it could come on someone’s home page or recommendations especially as we are not big YouTubers and obviously don’t get a lot of views so after a few days our videos are pretty much irrelevant. 
This is the stats for my video:

There is only one major problem since midterm I haven’t seen my colleagues except for in different classes but I haven’t got time to talk to them or work with them and when I went to the free lab we said we would meet at nether of  them were there so the communication at the moment is extremely poor. Of course, the work has to continue so I will start to put my part of the presentation together and hopefully get them to meet up with me before the actual presentation as that is vital. Well anyways that’s all I have for now so catch you on the next blog. 


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